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Idea Generation


Wildcards story



It all started in an old forbidden cave close to a small town that was known for things disappearing out of peoples pockets and where adventures start and end at a dead end. The cave was forbidden and locked away from the locals to stop them from disappearing but this was only for the worst. The locals got more interested and started to visit the forbidden cave to find treasures that were explained in the note found in a vine close to the entrance. This cave was haunted by the souls of the dead that entered the portal that layed at the back of the cave it teleported them to the beast's lair. This beast was no ordinary wolf or a bear it was something that nobody could imagine. Something that was supernatural with the powers of a million humans or something from a book that could not be explained in a lifetime. This beast was ready to fight anyone and anything in its way. Until that one day which changed the future forever. A man who wore a hood which masked his entire face forced himself through the portal with no warning. This was the worst thing he could have ever done because of his small understanding of the situation. He could not predict what was waiting for him at the other end of the portal.


The beast awakens


The man was not ready for the darkness that waited for him at the end of the portal but he was confident enough to enter it so now he will be faced by the justice of the beast.


I suddenly awoke in the darkness that surrounded me from every angle of the empty room which seemed to be filled with shadows that roam in the dark corners of every house that has ever been haunted. It felt like my entire life was drained from me and put into a different soul. I did not have the energy needed to stand up. My head was spinning as if I was a Ferris wheel put into the fastest gear. As I started to gain conscience of my surroundings I could see shadows forming around me of machines and banners that I could not tell what they were for. All of a sudden a colossal shadow formed behind me it started to get closer to me. I needed to stand up this was my last chance. As I looked to my left I could see a strange blade stuck between the cracks in the metal walkway. I was not sure what to do. Should I run for my life or should I get the blade and try to fight it?. I picked the blade which seemed like a good idea at this moment. But I was sure that it was evil in some way or another. So I swung for the blade which was now glowing with the power it was something I have never seen. The shadow was getting closer to me by every second. This blade was my only way out of this as I swung the blade it made a weird interdimensional portal which glistened as I looked at it. This thing was my way out so I jumped in with all of the force I had left inside myself.

The Dimension

It felt like I was flying through a galaxy that never ended. This might of not been the best idea I could have picked but it will have to do I guess!?. (Flash)


The galaxy started to disappear into a void beneath me which looked like an endless source of power that was strong enough to destroy the whole world we live in. But it did not take me. I felt alone flying in an empty void that had no planets or stars to look at. This was my end I started to think that the blade placed me in a void that I could not escape until a rift appeared in front of me which showed me the way to escape this weird place (Flash).    


       Back to reality


Ahh!!... This was not what I expected being back in here again but this time I could see the eyes glowing furiously in the shadows lurking for me to make a move. As I looked over my shoulder I realized that the blade was stuck to my back which was weird because I left it behind in the void. The metal walkway started to sway from left to right but every sway it made. It had made the shake go faster and faster until I could hear a roar that echoed in the emptiness of the hall. This was not a normal beast it was something that even I could not explain in words. The only thing I knew about it was that it was after my soul which is trapped in this hall. I need to escape this weird world and fast.



The metal walkway was in full swing but I needed to escape this beast as fast as possible even if the ground is shaking I need to run. But even then I tried my best the beast was getting closer and closer to me destroying everything in its way from the platforms that supported the whole building to the barrels on each side which were filled with some kind of substance that I did not care about now. The only thing I cared about was my life which was now on the line. (Why did I jump into that portal?... I was stupid to think that it was some kind of treasure. The only thing at the end of this was death and I should have predicted that before jumping in...). The walkway was about to lead into a dead end which would trap me and get me eaten. But I had the sword on my back which I could find very useful right now so I took it out and swung it in quick succession to create a rift which dragged me in before the beast could get me. But now the void was filled some kind of mysterious capsule which floated in the air but did not move at all.

The void and its mysteries


This capsule seemed to be reactive to the blade which I had in my hand. It shined with a tint of green that suggested something. But I did not know what yet. So I moved the blade closer to the capsule and it made a mysterious sound which sounded like the beast that was on the other end of the rift. I was not ready for this technology. I could not understand the words that appeared on the capsule. I moved closer to see what is inside the capsule and there was nothing inside just a note that sat there crumpled and forgotten. This note seemed to have great value to someone in the void but there was no one here just me and the abyss which seemed darker than before. But I needed to escape this place as soon as possible. I should not be here in this messed up the place with this messed up capsule (I shouted loudly). Get me out of here. I looked at the blade with despair...Help me blade...Please!. I want to be back to my normal form. I just want to be a thief that I was before all this. I want to be back with my regular jobs and my problems and not this void which does not involve me. I might be a thief but I'm not a god which needs to be bothered with this magic. Please blade!. The blade shone with power as I shouted. I knew this was a sign that it wants to help me but it could not. It was too weak now to act in any way the power was drained from it. I need to get out of here to save myself. I looked at the capsule again this time with an idea to open it. I stuck my blade into the glass which shattered with the impact of the blade. I looked inside and there was the note crumpled with glass everywhere around it. I put my hand in to grab the note. And then everything went dark.               

The messenger


As I awoke from the impact It was dark again with just a small light that reflected a path to a small shrine which had flowers on each side of it. I followed the path in shock after the void which was now gone there was just a path that leads to the shrine. As I got closer to the shrine the light got stronger. Suddenly I was in the air again with a small light in front of me. Which shined with power. I moved closer to the light and the Light spoke.

I'm guessing you are wildcard?.

Maybe!?... and why.

You are the chosen one to defeat the beast which lairs in the halls of judgment.

No!?... This cannot be true….I don’t want to fight that beast. It will destroy me like everything else it destroyed before.

No child!.... You are the chosen one lead by the light of the blade which lays on your back….Look.

The Blade suddenly shines with power again this time stronger than ever before.

No...I'm just a thief...a criminal that cheats to live…

We know...The light knows the void knows. You might be a criminal but your also a guardian of the light. It was your destiny to enter that portal in the cave. We placed it there to show you that we need your help. This was all planned carefully. For you to see the beast and its fury for light which you have inside of you...wildcard!!!...Just listen to us and we will defeat the beast which defends the gates of judgment. We need you and you need us wildcard just help us!.

I'm not ready for this I never expected to be...somewhat of a guardian that you call me. I need to leave and live a normal life. Like a normal person.

No time for that we need to be fast with the beast or else your world will be in danger of the void which will destroy your planet and everything around it. You have seen it before and what it can do. We need you!!.

I guess I don’t have a choice in this.

There is always a choice but which one is the one that will turn out to be the best option. You running away like a coward or you helping us to restore order in the void!.

How do I defeat this beast?.

Use the blade it will guide you to victory….Farewell guardian…

The light disappeared and everything went dark again.  



I'm back in the halls of judgment which were now filled with colossal shadows that stretched to the ceiling of hall. I was ready to face the beast that lurked in the shadows. I shouted in anger Come on you monster face me I am your destiny and your killer! I am your fate come face me monster!. As I shouted something growled in the distance I knew it was the beast. I just need to kill it nothing more nothing less. Just then the eyes of the beast appeared in the shadows. I knew this was my final showdown. I can see you beast!. Come Out of the shadows stop hiding. As I said those words the beast finally came of the shadows. I could not believe what the beast looked like. It had wings which stretched across the whole width of the hall. With a beak that was as sharp as a new sword from a blacksmith. It’s legs strong like mountains in the largest mountain range in the world. This beast had taken so many lives away from innocent people that I needed to defeat it now. It is your end beast get ready to say hi to the goddess of light. I took my blade with no hesitation. It shined with unbelievable power this was my time to shine. I swung the blade at the beast which roared in fury. As the light of the blade hit the beast. The beast shined with weakness it was scared of light which the blade contrasted and reflected at the beast. The beast started to freak out in pain which the blade caused. It was my opportunity to get rid of the beast forever. I did not take any chances to stab the beast in the heart which was now filled with the light of the goddess. Which reflected on the walls of the hall which would normally be used to judge people Now I judged the beast for its wrongdoings. And brought my destiny to life.

True Protector


A portal appeared in front of me as I victored the beast and fulfilled my destiny which was to defeat the beast and restore order in the void. I was ready to face the goddess herself. I walked through the portal I appeared in the void again which was now filled with happiness and Joy. No abyss that was destroying everything in its way. No sinkholes that would take planets away from the void just happiness and peace. As I walked along the void I could see the great goddess of light waving at me to come. So I walked up to her she shined from all of the power she had now. The messenger was right I protected the goddess and the light from destruction I moved closer to her. And She said ‘Well done guardian I knew someone could fight the dark beast. This blade on your back it’s a gift from me as a knew you had potential in you Wildcard. You are the true protector of light even when you're a criminal in the real world you are a guardian here and I how it taught you a lesson that will stay with you forever...Goodbye guardian..’

This was the last I saw the light and it great power as she disappeared so did I.



I'm back home!... This was an adventure that I will never forget. (I looked at my shoulder and there was my pet fully wake looking straight at me. (early concept)


I'm back home!... This was an adventure that I will never forget. So I went to my favorite place that would give me my peace which I needed the broken door inn. I could see my friends in the distance looking at me as I walked in they were somehow surprised by my appearance.  

‘Hi Wildcard’

‘Hi, it has been a while.’

‘Where did you go it's been five days?!

‘It's a long story but I will tell you this I will never forget about it and I have the blade on my back which represents my adventure and its purpose.’

I am planning on changing how I will live my life from now on I don’t want to be a criminal I want to be a protector of light and bring Joy to the world in whatever way I can do it. I am Wildcard and I change my value to be a good person.


Link to google Document:

I am not a writer so I had to do my best to make a story based around my idea. Which was fun for me to do and gave me a lot to think about because the story was based around my idea of Wildcard becoming a guardian of light but the story made my idea as well with its details that I did not add in the idea itself. This story will help me with the character and how I want to build him up. 

What happened to Wildcard after the main story


After returning from the void Wildcard decided to stay low for a while. During this time he was remembering the experiences that he was dragged through during the main story and how he was impacted by them. This time was a dark time for Wildcard because he missed the adventure that he was so scared off at the start of the story and he started to feel like he was useless in the real world because he tried to help the locals but they did not appreciate his kindness so he stopped helping and this lead to him believe that it was a sign from the gods that he does not belong in the real world anymore. So he called upon the gods to help him and they showed him the way to the forbidden cave where it all started.


This was a sign that he was ready to become a real guardian of the light so he jumped in and to his surprise, he was greeted by the goddess herself who showed him the way to the light legion a special army that was created to protect the void and the light that shone upon it. Soon Wildcard became a protector of light which was the lowest rank possible in the light legion but that did not stop Wildcard from achieving the highest rank possible. Years passed and Wildcard grew stronger and better and finally after years of experience he became the Master Guardian of light which was the highest rank possible and after this he became the right hand of the goddess which he did not imagine possible but he did it after years of training he became something stronger and smarter that he could outsmart the smartest. This was probably because of his past as a thief he knew every lock and chest in the void.

This is the end of the story for Wildcard but I might be a start of a new story a new beginning, a new origin a new guardian...Who knows?.      

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