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My Fourth initial Idea

I want to base my idea on the word (Unconventional) which would make my game something different from the rest. I was thinking of a car game that could be Unconventional. The tracks would be different from normal ones like Hot Wheels Tracks that are orange flying tracks. This would be Unconventional because of the tracks that would be flying and would have traps that want to destroy the cars trying to pass through. 

I would have to draw the tracks and the cars to complete my final project.

Car types at least three cars




Initial Game Concept for idea Four

Cars & Tracks.PNG

Tracks that I made in 3Ds Max


Drawn Examples in piskel:

green car.JPG
Red car.JPG

Drawn Examples in Photoshop:

Back Mustang.JPG
Mustang improved.JPG

Today I spent sometime drawing examples for my idea. One was made in Piskel and one was made in Photoshop. Personally I like the one in Photoshop better because of how much detail is available with it whereas in Piskel I am limited to pixels which do not capture details that well. If I was to continue with this idea I would make the side of the car as well to show all of the angles and close ups of the car. I would focus on the lights since they have to have the most detail but also the bottom part of the car because as you can see on the drawing of the front there is something that done work together like the bottom part of the car which is different on each side I will have to re draw it again to make the change so If I was to continue with this idea I will do some and also add a lot more detail which is need in this car. I also used Piskel to draw the top cars but them seem improper for this type of game which I am planning on making.  

Tutorials on how to draw cars


How to Draw a Car: Ferrari - Fine Art-Tips

Articles that involve making cars


More tutorials



Final decision

Overall I have lost interest into this idea because I can not do cars and I am focused on other stuff right now and I feel like drawing cars would just take to long and I don't want to do that so I will leave this idea as it is because I don't feel like I can put anything else into this idea because I don't think I am good enough to draw cars and all of there details. This idea would take the most time out of any idea that I made because of how the cars are made and after this I would have to make a game which is something I don't want because it would be unfinished even if I started making it I don't feel like I would finish it so I am leaving this idea and I am moving onto something different  

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