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Final Major project planning

Review of skills 04/03/2019 

I found Art & Digital Graphics to be the most fun because I like drawing and everything around it like Photoshop and Illustrator while I did not enjoy Engines because of how complicated it was. With lots of different naming's for stuff, I just did not enjoy how much needed to be done in engines but also I did like some parts of it with connecting everything together. So if I had some props I would have enjoyed it more to actually make a level for a game. As for animations I have a mixed opinion on it because I like some parts of it like drawing the stuff that needs to be animated but I did not enjoy the animating side of things with Flash and After Effects. 3D modeling was fun most of the time with small creations in 3Ds Max but I had its negatives with me not having the skills to master everything in it which limited my ability to do more in 3D modeling. As for Sound Design, It was something different something I did not have the chance to do before college so I enjoyed learning most of the skills that involved it like making my own theme tune to recording my voice to act a scene in my game which was something I did not do before. And lastly, Story and Scripting which was good to learn and it felt like I was in English again making my own story but now to a game of my choice and design which made me consider to it fun in everything from making up the story to the script writing that I did for my act.

Work from previous projects as examples:

Nearly done Dwarf.JPG.jpg
Hand Bridge.jpg
Mountian adventure.jpg
MMP: Soundtrack for my Game - Pawel Dobosz
00:00 / 00:00


I would want to specialize in Art & Digital Graphics because I found it most interesting and it focuses on my drawing and drawing ideas. I want to develop more into it with details that would help me make my project even better with different techniques and tips that would make me past Games Design.

If I have to pick two I would pick Art & Digital Graphics and Story and Scripting. Because I found the story side of things interesting and different to develop my skills in.


Project management Reflection 04/03/2019 

I used a checklist to plan my project which turned out to be a bad way to plan your project because I had to much to do at the end of the project so I am going to make a checklist but it will be done in a way in which I can monitor my work and the flow of it so I would put in how much time I would need in each session to complete the task given by my tutors and my own work.


I think that making a checklist is fine for a small project that does not need lots of work but for a bigger project, I could make one and some other method to track my work and the flow of it. I think that it shows that I did not use the right process that was appropriate for my project and it shows a small weakness that needs development. As a project manager I want people to recognize me as a team focused person that wants the whole team to succeed in everything they do so I would be the one that would keep track of everything and the level of it and if it can be improved in any way to make everyone succeed in the work that I would work for. 

I want to improve on my methods of collecting my project together so I know what I would need at the end of the project and at what standard the work had to be at so it does not look rushed or neglected because everything is important especially in a final project which means everything. This would make me a more efficient project manager in everything I would do in the future. 

Reflection 05/03/2019

My target today was to collect my any drawing that I made for my character and start drawing any character designs for my main character because right now I only have my drawing that I drew at home and then just sketched it into Photoshop. 

Reflection 05/03/2019

I did meet my target today to design and start to sketch my characters out in Photoshop before the lesson I did do some preparation on how I wanted my character to look like by drawing a concept for both of them and now during the lesson I had the right idea on what I wanted to draw. Maybe I did not have all of the details that I have drawn for my concept but It looks fine for now. I think that my last character which was running went the best in my opinion because it shows some movement which will be needed for my final concept later on during the project. The only thing that I am unhappy about is that the Rift sword does not look how I wanted and it still needs some development. 

As for the beast I am still not sure on how I want to capture it because I was thinking of a dragon when I first made this idea up but now I found some other beasts that could be good as well. So next week I will look into mythical beasts and start to decide on what I want exactly and how it will be captured in the game. 

Character designs.JPG
Character design orge with background.JP

Reflection 11/03/2019

I have achieved my target last week by completing my first wave of weekly tasks using my checklist that I made last week. This helped me to plan out my whole week and what I will do each day to prepare before my lessons and during lessons. This has made me faster at doing things and keeping track of them. As for the project I researched the word dimensions that is my main word for my project and I needed to know what it means in games. Then on Tuesday, I started to draw some concepts for my characters and the Rift Sword which gave me ideas to develop my characters further and perfect them for my final piece. I think that my project is progressing well because I am done with my first set of tasks for week two in the time that was scheduled on my checklist. I had some time lost because I was off on Wednesday but I still did all of the work at home because I was following my checklist. As for my targets, I will follow the checklist that I made for week three which involves a lot of research and skill building and some small parts of concept art to make my ideas flow through the entire project.    

Reflection 12/03/2019

Today I will be collecting ideas for my old factory. This will be the setting of the game for the majority of the time. And I want to plan the scene out to have a basic Idea of how it will look. I will be doing this by researching factories and the machines in the factories to get a basic Idea of what my setting will need to include. Also, I will be developing my main character and his personality by setting up mind maps and ideas about the character to get an idea of what he needs to look like and how the story will involve him. This should be done by the 4.30 today if not I will be doing it at home or my spare time in lessons. By the end of the session, I will have ideas about my setting and my character's personality. All of this will be documented on my website.      

My work was much lower quality today with some issues with 3Ds Max crashing and also that I did not get to finish my characters personality mind map that I said I would do. As for my first target which was to get ideas for my factory setting I think that I have nearly everything for it done so I will be focusing on my characters personality mind map and also the story. I will finish my characters personality mind map by next weeks session which will be on Tuesday the 19th of March. As for everything else I will be using my checklist to complete my set tasks.

Reflection 14/03/2019   

Since my last reflection I have done a lot of work based on my character and a bit on the setting but as for the setting I am changing my location of the story because I think that a hall of judgment fits better than a factory so I am going to do some more research into it next week. As for my character, I have done a mind map based on him which will come in useful when I am going to be drawing him but I also gave him a name of wildcard which suggests that he is unpredictable and things can change quite quickly then he is forced into the portal. As for today's progress, I spent 45 minutes at the start of the session to tidy up my website with the images and checking over the text which was important for me to do because my tutor told me that my website was glitching with the images so I hopefully fixed it today. Then after that, I went onto writing the end of my story which will set the scene for my drawing. After about an hour and a half, I decided to do some concept art for the beast which still needs to be done. Overall I made some good progress this week with completing my checklist. I did everything I said I would do on the checklist which makes me ready for next week where I am going to be doing everything based on the audience on some more sketching to get everything ready for the final piece. 

Reflection 18/03/2019 

This week is my last week to do all of the research I need to do for my final major project. This will consist of audience research and final research about concept art and the Ideas around it. Also, this will be a time where I still can change my ideas because I still need to do the concept statement to confirm my ideas next week. Lastly, I will do some concept art around my main character on Monday and Tuesday. 

Reflection 19/03/2019 

Today I will focus mostly on Wildcard and the different styles for him and skill building which will include hood drawing and also some mask ideas. Tomorrow will be my researching day where I will be researching the audience and getting ready for my concept statement which I might be able to start this week. 

Hoods 2.JPG
Robotic Wildcard.JPG
Wildcards designs.JPG
Wildcard 8.JPG
Wildcard 7.JPG

Reflection 19/03/2019 

By the end of the session, I did do some different styles for Wildcard with a Blue, Red, Ocean, Green, and Yellow these all turned out cool and now I need to pick one of them for my final project. as for skill building I did do some hood samples before starting my drawing today. I did not have time to research other masks but I am happy with my progress today and I will do the research on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Ocean blue Wildcard.JPG
Red  Wildcard.JPG

Reflection 20/03/2019 

By the end of the session, I want to finish the audience page and also do some more research into existing games with the dark theme in between I want to do some research on playing cards and how to implement them into my character concept art.

Reflection 20/03/2019

Today I have reached all of my goals set for today with finishing the audience page which I had to describe all of the data presented by the graphs that I found. All of the information I found today was very useful to realize what audience I am building this for. As for researching playing cards, I found their origins and the history behind them. I could use this to draw in Easter eggs into my character which could reference the origins of playing cards which is something I wanted to do since the start. Lastly, I did research into existing games like Limbo & Inside games that focus on the dark theme which is something I want to build and implement into my character. Overall I am very happy with my progress today and I am starting to finish everything based on research. I am predicting another week or so of researching and skill building before doing the final piece.

Reflection 25/03/2019

I have been giving feedback today to classmates with things they could improve on during this project but I have also taken in some inspiration from them. I am thinking of doing a new tab for my final piece which will only have my work for my final piece including designs for hoods and outfits for Wildcard. This page will be easy to navigate and straight to the point with the final design and not research and reflections. I am still thinking about doing this so it is not final but I might do it to make my website easier to navigate. 

Reflection 25/03/2019

Today I will be doing skill building in Illustrator. I will be using the same image that I made in Photoshop to replicate it into illustrator with some new details like the cards in the background this will be an important part of my drawing so I will need to work on making it perfect as for the rest of the session I am going to get feedback on my website which will help me to develop my site further in the right direction it will be someone that has never seen it. So it will be easy to tell if my idea is clear to understand or does it need more explaining.

Work in progress illustrator ocean blue.

Reflection 26/03/2019

By the end of the session, I want to finish off my character in Illustrator. He just needs some details on the shirt and then he will be done and ready for me to get on Photoshop as for the rest of the session I will be doing development on my website and finalizing my concept page to get everything ready for my final idea which will be started next week on the 1st of April to the 10th of May between that I will still be doing development on my website and keeping track of my reflections as my project is progressing and what I will be doing on that day. As an extension, I could make the GIF that I mentioned in the concept statement which needs to be developed this will allow my character to change masks.

Reflection 26/03/2019

I have completed my target today with Illustrator and I am in the process of getting the website ready for my final idea. As for Illustrator after spending about two hours on my character I feel that Illustrator is a good program but it does not meet my expectations with the drawing part of it so I will leave Illustrator and move on fully with Photoshop which has given me the most freedom from all of the programs I was using during this project. The character himself looks cool in Illustrator because he is a vector graphic that does not lose resolution even if I made him bigger or smaller he would not get damaged whereas in Photoshop there is a large possibility that he would get damaged during this process which might be a pain in the end but I am fully sticking with Photoshop till the end of this project. I also did a lot of progress in Photoshop and my character I chose a back for him which holds the Rift Sword and also made the GIF which looks good because it changes the masks which differ from each over. This method will certainly be brought to my final character design because I want to show all of the styles for him. Before the next session, I will work on the description on my concept page which needs to describe my process to make my character.


Reflection 27/03/2019

I need my overall feedback on my progress and my website to see what my tutors think of it and maybe tell me what I can improve on or develop because after this I will be doing the Final Refined Outcomes and start work on my Final idea because it's week 5 of 9 so I have to start work on my final piece with just small amounts of research to fill some time between making the final piece.

I will also change the layout of the website with the initial concept and the Final concept which will be now two different pages not to confuse anyone anymore. As an extension, I will do the Refined outcomes page which needs to be done. 

Reflection 27/03/2019

Today has been very effective because I did everything I planned even the extension task and some other drawing stuff around that. I got my Feedback done today by my tutor and it will be posted on my website as soon as it is live which will probably be in the next few days as for my refined outcomes I did everything I needed there. Another thing I did today was to change the layout of my website with separate pages for the final idea and the initial idea. The last thing I did today was doing some drawing around Wildcard which will be posted tomorrow. 

Reflection 28/03/2019

Today I am focusing on fixing holes in my website like filling my idea generation with sketches and images that show my ideas also doing further research around the ideas to show that I have fought everything through properly and shown my ideas in the brightest light. 

Reflection 28/03/2019

I failed to complete my task today because I still need to do the page for idea four but everything else is done and ready. The only thing that I will have to do at home is do the page for idea four and practice making Wildcard over and over again till I get him right because I need to start making him next week from the 1st of April then finish him off after the Easter break because I will probably be doing skill building over the Easter break to perfect him after the break.   

Reflection 01/04/2019

Today I want to develop Idea four and make a page for it with examples and drawings of cars and tracks that could be used in my game. This should be done by 12 o clock today. But could take more or less time based on my performance. As an extension, I will develop my final idea with sample drawings.

As a part of my thinking process today I started to think about my final piece which is suppose to be made after the Easter break but I am starting to think that I should just focus on my website and the research behind it because I have the concept for my character which is the exact thing I said I would do so if I ran out of time I could use my earn concept as my final piece. I feel like I could use some more research just to develop my entire project and justify the choices behind it. I would do more mind maps and mood boards to show off my ideas.    

Reflection 01/04/2019

I was not able to finish the page because I had to do Reviews of my work which took the whole session so I was only able to start working on my car sketch which is a representation of what the model would look like. 

Reflection 02/04/2019

Today I will be focusing on shadowing Wildcard with shadows that will be made in Photoshop. This will be something I will be finishing after the Easter break but I will start to do it today to get an idea of what I am going to do. 

Reflection 02/04/2019

I made a lot of progress with the shadowing. The main body is done with the hood and the back the only thing that needs to be done after the Easter break is the four hoods which I have only just started so I will not finish them before the break but I have some progress to go with. The negative is that I did not know how to start it off but after some trying I think it looks good but still I think that it needs development because the shadows are not the only thing I want to do to him I also want to add texture that will make him even more realistic but that might have to be scrapped if I don't have time. 

Wildcard shadows.JPG

Reflection 03/04/2019

Today I will be working on my targets which I set on Monday to finish my sketch of the Mustang and start work on the idea generation idea four which needs finishing. Hopeful it will be done by the end of the session today at 4:45 so I can focus on my final idea tomorrow and get everything ready for the Easter break because I will be making a special checklist just for the Easter break which will be used to document my progress and to let me know what to do over the Easter break. 

Back Mustang.JPG

Reflection 04/04/2019

Today is my last day of this term which means that I will be doing some work at home between the Easter break and coming back to college on the 23rd of April which is about two weeks of holidays but I will be doing work over the break which I have set on my special checklist which is posted on my home page. This checklist will disappear after the break and be reposed on my planning documentation page as evidence of what I have done over the break. My main focus over the break is doing some skill building and focusing on my on my characters final design.

Reflection 20/04/2019

It is nearly the end of my Easter break and I have done some work based on my project. I mostly focused around my skill building and sorting out my website to get everything ready for then I get back to working on my final idea which needs shadowing and a background so most of my time at the end will be spent on that and some other documenting on my website to show the process. I did some work on hoodies which I have drawn on paper or in Illustrator. These will help me to develop my character further then I get back from my


hoodies and myself.PNG

Reflection 23/04/2019

It is the end of the break and I am ready to go back to regular work. I will be focusing on my character today by adding the rest of the shadows that I started before the break. I am planning on ending my shadowing stage today and also starting on my background. After finishing my character I will ask my classmates what they think of it and what needs improving because after this I will be focusing on the cards that will fill the background. By the end of the session, I will have Wildcard fully shadowed and at least a start on the background. 


Reflection 23/04/2019

I finished my character shading stage today which is now uploaded and documented on my website. I also started the background stage which is going to be hard because I don't want the background to be the main focus and the character to get lost in it so I am going to be experimenting with different layouts of the background to match my character. Overall my progress is good because I am done with the character and the only thing I need now is the background with the descriptions which will probably take me about a week of my time and anytime that I have at the end I will spend on polishing my final concept and the website. 


Reflection 24/04/2019

Today I am going to be working on the background by finding images that I like for a background and get them ready for drawing because I want to do something better than the background that I already have. I will be using Photoshop to get the images ready for drawing. As an extension, I will start on the descriptions which will be done in google slides and pasted onto my website.

Background 2.JPG

Reflection 25/04/2019

Today I will be working on Wildcard and his background and the upgrades of the Rift Sword that he wear on his back all of this will be done in Photoshop and google slides if I finish everything to add the descriptions to the new version of Wildcard. I am aiming to be finished by four today so this gives me a lot of time to work on it also I don't do breaks so I will have even more time to work on it. 

Wildcard with descriptions.PNG
Wildcard with descriptions Finished.PNG

Reflection 25/04/2019

Today I will be working on Wildcard and his background and the upgrades of the Rift Sword that he wear on his back all of this will be done in Photoshop and google slides if I finish everything to add the descriptions to the new version of Wildcard. I am aiming to be finished by four today so this gives me a lot of time to work on it also I don't do breaks so I will have even more time to work on it. 

Reflection 25/04/2019

Over the course of this week, I have been doing a lot of work based around my character Wildcard working to get him to the stage I want him to be with a background fully finished and I am very close to doing so. I have the background ready the character himself is done and the descriptions are ready so all I have to do now is just polish him to be the best he could be.

Wildcard with the new background the swo

Reflection 29/04/2019

Today I am planning on finishing my final product which is Wildcard fully finished with a background and descriptions this will probably be my last day working on Wildcard and after that I will just perfect any imperfections that my tutors realize before the deadline and work on my idea which could be improve or redone. The only thing that I will be polishing today or the outlines around the character to make him more clear and realistic.


The outlines around Wildcard

Reflection 29/04/2019

Wildcard is done and really for the deadline with everything like the research and the skill building needed to make him. I am also making my final reflection based around making and drawing Wildcard like the idea and process that I went did throughout the project this will explain my thinking and how I developed him to be the end product he is now. 

Final Wildcard with descriptions.JPG

Reflection 30/04/2019

Today I will mostly work on unfinished ideas which could be developed or improved because I am done with my final product which has now be fully complete and ready for the deadline on the 10th of May. I will be doing this for about four to five days just completing unfinished work which I don't like or could be improved.

Reflection 30/04/2019

After getting some feedback from my tutors I desided to go back and work on A pose and a T pose for my character as a challenge that was set by my tutors that I could try and do before the deadline. Before all of this I did do some improvements to the mustang drawing that I did for I four and I did some work on my website to fix a glitch with image that went over my text.

Mustang improved.JPG

Reflection 01/05/2019

Today I will be focusing on finishing the T-Pose posture that I started on yesterday and If I have time I will start working on the action pose that I will try to make in Photoshop today. The T-Pose is a real challenge for me because I never planned on making a T-Pose for my character so this will be hard but I will try to do my best to capture the the T-pose. As for the action pose I still need to think of a pose that will suit Wildcard the most but just like the T-Pose it will be challenging to do especially with my deadline which is close now but this is just extra work that I am doing in the background to strengthen my overall project. 

Reflection 01/05/2019

I have achieved my first goal of the session with the T-Pose. It might not be the best but it's a try from me to do it which is all I wanted this was just to test me if I can handle doing a T-Pose which is hard to do because I have never made a character do a T-pose and I did not plan to do it during this project so this is just a try from my side of things. I might develop it more after because it is best to always take breaks and then judge your work after because I will be of a fresh mind with new idea which could help me improve what I already have. As for the actions pose I have started to collect idea which will help me on Thursday to start drawing. It will be hard because I will have to draw with a mouse which is something I don't like doing but I will try my best to capture my character in his action pose.

T pose Wildcard.PNG
Working on A pose.JPG

Reflection 02/05/2019

Today I will be focusing on my action pose which I planned yesterday after making the T-Pose. The action pose is going be be made in Photoshop with a mouse because of the room that I am in but this will not stop me from trying my best to capture my character in his best action pose. If I finish early I will work on my website which I will do all of the documenting on the T-Pose that I did and also the action pose which will hopefully be made today.

Reflection 02/05/2019

Today I did some work involving actions poses with drawing them in Photoshop but the problem I am having is that I only like the first design which might be tough then I making my own action pose next week. I will try to do some research based around action poses to give me a better chance of succession during the drawing session next week.

Action pose 1.JPG

Reflection 07/05/2019

Today I will mostly focus on doing the action pose that I started doing on Thursday last week. This time I will not use a template to draw the action pose to test my skills in drawing characters in motion. As an extension I will finish any documenting I needs to be done this is my last week of this project so I have to work fast and effectually.

Reflection 07/05/2019

The action pose is still in progress but I am getting the feeling that I should just stop working on it because it isn't working for me and the deadline is very close now with only three days left so I am going to be focusing on my website for the rest of the project because I feel like I might of burned out on the drawing side of things because every since I started to work on the action pose I started to feel like I was not doing it right and I think that I got burned out fast after working with the templates because the first one is the best one and after that everything went downhill wit the rest of the designs that I did last week. 

Rift sword with Wildcard.JPG
Action pose.JPG

Reflection 08/05/2019

Today I will be fully working on my website and fixing anything that needs to be done because I don't want to start anything else because tomorrow is my last for this project so my website could use a last look before giving it in. I will look at all of my feedback and work on any improvements that could be done in the time I have left. These could be from my website to any drawings which need to improve or could use a fresh look like some of the design for Wildcard which could get improved in the time I have left.

Reflection 08/05/2019

Today was a hard day for me because I had to recognise my website and change the text size because I felt that it was too big for my website and looked a bit unprofessional so I changed it from 20 to 18 but it was a massive change for my entire website it made it more clear and more professional with smaller images and the text. I have made some comparison images but they seem not to show the impact that it made so anyone who looked at my website before will notice a difference in the layout and also that the text is more clear and the images are smaller than before. 

Comparison 2.PNG

After the change

Reflection 09/05/2019

Today I will be fully wrapping up my project which ends tomorrow but this is my final session to make any improvements that have been outlined by my feedback which I will be looking over again and asking my classmates for last review and anything that I can work on today like the final reflection and the concept statement which needs to be finished.


Reflection 09/05/2019

I have learned from the review I got from a classmate that I needed to check my spelling of some of my work like the story. The spelling mistakes are now solved at least the ones that I spotted during going through my website. The Refined outcomes page is now fully done with my progress in each thing I said I would do. The concept statement is now done and the final result is documented and the final reflection is done. This means that I am fully done with my project with everything finished and done just as I said in my concept statement that I would do my character card and it's done it could always be improved and c hanged but that's what I was able to do in the time given it might not be much but it took a long time to do everything and I am happy with it at least with it final state.    

Final Final Wildcard.JPG
bottom of page