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Skill building

Photoshop for Absolute Beginners - Drawing Tools Tutorial

Photoshop for Absolute Beginners - Drawing Tools Tutorial

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I have started to research skill building. Especially Photoshop since I will be focusing on it the most during this project. I have started to find tutorials and guides on Photoshop to develop my skills and also to boost my confidence with Photoshop itself. This Project has gotten me more involved in drawing again which was something that I did in secondary which was fun for me and I think that this project will help me to develop my skills further. This tutorial above showed me the basics of Photoshop and the different brushes available. 



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This tutorial is about drawing and what to do and what not to do when drawing. This will help me to make fewer mistakes then drawing because I will know what to do and what not to do when drawing which is very important.

Skill building in 3ds max Reminder on how to animate objects



To animate an object using Auto Key:

  1. Click to turn on Auto Key mode. The Auto Key button, the time slider channel, and the highlight border around the active viewport all turn red.

  2. Drag the time slider to a time other than 0.

  3. Do one of the following: Move, scale, or rotate an object. ...

  4. Turn off when you are done.

Important buttons when animating

Set Key & Auto Key.

Skill building 2.PNG
Skill building.PNG

Today I spent some time at the start of the session to revisit 3ds Max and it's animating side of things. This was set as a task to start me off. So I will not be continuing with animating but it was good to come back to 3ds Max and do a simple animation it will certainly refresh my mind about how to do it if I will ever need it again. 

Practicing to draw hoods

How to Draw Hoodies (3 Ways)

How to Draw Hoodies (3 Ways)

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Hoods 2.JPG
Hood research.PNG

Today I focused on developing my character. One of the processes is the ability to draw hoods which is the main point for my character. Firstly I have drawn the hoods in Photoshop then I added color to both to see which color matches it the most. I like both of the colors I have picked for my character now I just need to choose one for my final character.

After that the color was done I added shadowing to both to add a 3D effects I did this by making the color brighter then lower the opacity to about 50% and then started to go other the places that needed some shadowing. The sun perspective is from the top of the hood. Overall I had no problem with drawing or coloring these drawings but I still need to do some shadowing work to develop further.   


I did some work at home with hoods and masks which are just for me to practice my skills with drawing hoods which is something I was focusing this week. I still need to do some drawing with masks that my character could wear as an alternate. Overall some of these hoods are from games like AC Origins with the Isu outfit that I used the hood from at the bottom of the page. I also did some kind of Japanese warrior on the left which is close to the Isu mask. Then on the far left, there is a ninja mask that could be used for my character but I don' think it matches my style of character that I am making. Then there are some assassins creed hoods on the left which connect with my character because he is a thief and an assassin is close to that but a thief mostly does not kill. Then there is the big mask which is like some kind of gladiator that fights in the arena. Overall I will still do some work with hoods to improve but a bit less now because I need to focus on over stuff like the clothes and the legs for my character.      

Working on different designs for Wildcard

Wildcards designs.JPG
Robotic Wildcard.JPG
Wildcard 7.JPG
Wildcard 8.JPG

These are the some of the designs I have been working on with the first one involving the pet that was used in my story and an idea that I had on the running character. I liked the idea of my main character to have a pet because it would give him someone to talk to during the story.


The second design is more of a robotic styled character that I really like because it shows my character in a different light which is something I wanted with this idea that was suppose to be the eye catcher that he is half robot.


The third designs shows my character as more of gambler and thief with references to playing cards like the clover and the cards on his left arm. He also has details that relate to the story the most with both light symbols that he gains during the story I think this design is my favorite because of how it connects to the story that I made before plus I like the whole guardian theme that he has going on with the playing cards references.

The fourth designs puts Wildcard into a more of royal theme with the cloak that he wears on this left arm which a lot of royal people wear. This design puts Wildcard into a different surrounding which would change the story with him being part of a royal service that he has to escape which is something that outlines him from the rest because the whole story would have to change but if it the best design that I do and I choose it I will change the story to match his character. 


The last design is a mixture of the third idea and the royal idea because he has references to cards on his clothes but also he has that kind of style that I used in my fourth idea with the cloak but this time with a design that shows cards.

Photoshop vs Illustrator

I will be doing the same image in three different programs which offer different outcomes for my final piece, Photoshop is going to be a drawing that I have drawn with the Wacom pen. In Illustrator it would be a pen drawing that I used a mouse for. All of these will have their differences but in the end, it will be the same image. Overall I am thinking of implementing both programs in my final piece like the background would be done in illustrator and the character would be done in Photoshop to show that I can use both software.

Photoshop work

Ocean blue Wildcard.JPG

Illustrator work

Work in progress illustrator ocean blue.

Illustrator work in progress with cards in the background

Wildcard Designs in Illustrator with the

Working with hoodies

hoodies and myself.PNG

I took pictures of myself to draw from. I used Illustrator as my software to draw on and the image on the right is the outcome of that. I am mostly happy with the outcome but I think I could still develop this to make it look better especially the hoodie which could have more textures and shadowing.

Working on one side of the hoodie


I took pictures of my hoodie again but at a different angle which only showed one side of the hoodie. I use paper this time to get a different outcome and this has more detail than the one before it but it could still be developed further by adding a body that could wear this hoodie.

Working with arms


This time I use my arm as a reference to work on the arm of my character Wildcard. I am trying to workout how a hoodie would bend if I bend my arm to replicate it on paper because If I ever try to make Wildcard move I would need this to be done.  

Working with other characters from games


This is a character from Overwatch a game that has a lot of character design and skins which help me to develop my own characters but for this I used the character Ashe which got a new skin that I liked and wanted to draw it and this is the result. I am using this as a practice for my own designs and characters which I am developing. Also I want to practice with different postures to make my own more realistic and believable. 

Important video which will help me in Photoshop

This video will help me to develop in Photoshop by getting rid of the pixel grid that appears when zooming in onto a small detail of character.

Character design

Working on masks


Today I spent some time at home working on masks and how to practice them with small bits of shadowing but my favorite one is the bottom on in the middle because I think I spent the most time on it and I really like how the outlines create that sense of wood on the mask which is something I wanted to work on and see how it can after a drawing by adding outlines and it work good.

Working on Wildcards different style

Different style for Wildcard.JPG

This is Wildcard different style that I create sometime ago back when I was getting ideas for his figure and shape. I made this but on paper and I wanted to recreate it in Photoshop and this is the result I like it but the shoes and the hands still need a lot of work that I can not do right now but I might get the change to do it later on during the project.

T-Posing Wildcard

T pose Wildcard.PNG

This is Wildcard T-Posing and this was done because I was told to test around with making my character ready for 3D Modeling which is something that I am Interested in but I don't want to do this. I don't feel like I am ready for this kind of level of character design and I don't want to Rig my character because I won't need it and this was suppose to be a piece of Concept art for my game and this is something else which is next level and I am not ready for that kind of level just now. I won't lie this would be cool to do but I don't have time for this because I need to start wrapping my project up now because it is now one week away from the deadline. As for the character I feel like the T-Pose could be done a bit better and also the right hand looks more like a hook than a hand which it was suppose to be.  

T-Posing Wildcard

Working on A pose.JPG

After working on the T-Pose for the original Wildcard I started work on my other design for him which already looks better than the first one and the the other hand is not even done yet because I am having trouble with it but I will work on fixing it if not then that means that I had to do something else

Working on action poses

Motion 3 Wu.JPG
Motion 2.JPG
Wildcard motion 1.JPG
Wildcard image.JPG

These are some of my earlier tries with actions poses. All of them are bases around Wildcard but in everyone he looks different but some of the core details like the cards and the clover still remain in each design this is done to give each character the personality of Wildcard that he is known for during this project that he wears a hood with a mask and he has the cards on his arm. Out all of these I think I like the third design the most because of the swords that he holds in his arms. The one on the bottom is my latest on as can be seen by the background which is the void that I used in the original design. 

Working on more action poses

Action pose 1.JPG

For now I am using templates to help me get the general shape of the character since I am having a lot of trouble with forming the shape of a body that is in action. This is not Wildcard as can be seen by the image because Wildcard is not a female but I have to start somewhere and I liked the image as practice plus I could try to do Wildcard as a female which is something I did not do during the idea stage which I think would of been a good idea to show my thinking process during that time and why I chose Wildcard to be a male. The female version of Wildcard looks similar to the original male version with some slight changes like the mask and the hood. This would be useful If I was going to make a co op version of my game which would make one of the players play as Wildcard and the other as the female version of his which I think would be cool to do. The overall character has not got to much detail if at all because I just want to work on the shape for now but as I get more confident I will add details and change Wildcard to a male again.

ACtion 2.JPG

From the two I did now I feel that the first one turned out better for now  but I there is still a lot to go so I might change my opinion soon as for the character the only thing I like is the sword because I thin that the body is drawn wrong because his torso looks out of place and the legs feel a bit too much apart so I am going to be going back into Photoshop to draw more action poses that hopefully turn out better than this one.

Action 4.JPG

Out of all of the actions that I have drawn I think my first one has been the most successful. The others feel out of place and just plain and not detailed this could be because I only spend a couple of minutes on each but I think that the female version seems to be the best I could do today using a template which is a bit disappointing because this means that I will be struggling with the main action pose which will be made by me without a template.  

Working on my action pose

Action pose.JPG
Rift sword with Wildcard.JPG

After working with templates last week I have started work on my action poses which I am finding very hard to do because I have never focused on putting my characters in movement or any action. This is something that I need to improve on because the standard of the work I have done today is very low and need to be improved. This just a extension that I was told to do to challenge myself but I am finding it very hard and I feel like I might be wasting time doing drawings that get scrapped anyways after a couple of minutes because the shape isn't right or the body is out of proportion. I just think that I would have to have a whole project based around actions poses and movement because firstly you have to know how the body reacts to motion or how the each muscle could change the entire stance that the character is doing. 

This is the entire page that I made for the action pose. I am not happy with the result but it was my first try without a template to make a action pose this will certainly be a lesson for me to learn new skill like make characters do action poses which for me is the hardest part of making the character because you have to understand a lot before even making the character like how the body reacts to certain actions which is something I don't understand right now then making my action pose for Wildcard. Also I did some work on the swords and I really like the design of the swords on the right which are shattered into pieces that float to create the sword.

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