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Theme Research

Link to my Mind Map for the research of the three words around the theme

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The word Relic synonyms: Artifact, Antiquity, antique, heirloom and fossil

Artifact Research- Examples include stone tools, pottery vessels, metal objects such as weapons, and items of personal adornment such as buttons, jewelry and clothing. ... Natural objects, such as fire cracked rocks from a hearth or plant material used for food, are classified by archeologists as ecofacts rather than as artifacts.

Family Relic's

An artifact can contain a strong family memory (e.g., object has great meaning to the person or several people in the family, has a story attached, is often thought of, talked about and looked at, was an important part of everyday life or marked an important event in family History.

Religious Relic's  

In religion, a relic usually consists of the physical remains of a saint or the personal effects of the saint or venerated person preserved for purposes of veneration as a tangible memorial. ... A reliquary is a shrine that houses one or more religious relics. Relics became ingrained in Catholic Church orthodoxy at the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, when church authorities passed a law stating that every church should have a relic at its altar.

Relic's in Buddhism

Śarīra is a generic term referring to Buddhist relics, although in common usage it usually refers to pearl or crystal-like bead-shaped objects that are purportedly found among the cremated ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters.

How old is a relic 

Antique, a relic or old object having aesthetic, historic, and financial value. ... In general usage, antiques frequently are now defined as objects of artistic and historical significance that are at least 100 years old.

Antiquity Research- The Age of Antiquity, also known as the Ancient Era, spanned the beginning of recorded human history, about 3000 BC, to approximately the mid 400's, the Early Middle Ages.

Classical antiquity (also the classical era, classical period or classical age) is the period of cultural history between the 8th century BC and the 5th or 6th century AD centered on the Mediterranean Sea,[1] comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome known as the Greco-Roman world. It is the period in which Greek and Roman society flourished and wielded great influence throughout EuropeNorth Africa and Western Asia


The Parthenon is one of the most iconic symbols of the classical era, exemplifying ancient Greek culture.

The difference between artifact and antiquity

As nouns the difference between artifact and antiquity. is that artifact is an object made or shaped by human hand while antiquity is as a proper noun, usually used to refer to the period of.

Antique Research- A collectable object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its age and quality.

Website link to show examples of antique's

What's considered antique? 

The rule of thumb used by most antique dealers is that anything about 100 years or older is an antique. Items that are old, but not quite that old, are called vintage.

What defines an antique?

A true antique (Latin: antiquus; "old", "ancient") is an item perceived as having value because of its aesthetic or historical significance, and often defined as at least 100 years old (or some other limit), although the term is often used loosely to describe any object that is old.

Antique Examples


Heirloom Research- Heirloom. An heirloom is something passed down in a family for generations. Your grandma's prized necklace could be an heirloom. If you know that an heir is a younger person in a family who will inherit things when relatives die, you have a clue to the meaning of heirloom. ... Many families pass down heirloom jewelry.

Where does the word heirloom come from?

The term originated with the historical principle of an heirloom in English law, a chattel which by immemorial usage was regarded as annexed by inheritance to a family estate. Loom originally meant a tool. Such genuine heirlooms were almost unknown by the beginning of the twentieth century.

Fossil Research- A fossil is the naturally preserved remains or traces of animals or plants that lived in the geologic past. ... Casts and molds are another type of fossilization where the physical characteristics of organisms are impressed in to the sediment prior to the formation of a rock. We only know about extinct groups like dinosaurs, ammonites and trilobites through fossils. Some animals and plant are only known to us as fossils. By studying the fossil record we can tell how long life has existed on Earth, and how different plants and animals are related to each other. Fossils provide a record of organisms that lived a long time ago. They also provide evidence that animals and plants can change over long periods of time. The fossil record is often incomplete.


The word unconventional synonyms: Irregular, Unusual, Unorthodox, Uncommon and Rare.

The word unconventional means- Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.

What do you mean by irregular?

Irregular describes something that's unpredictable or uneven. If your dog has irregular spots, it means that she has random splotches of color scattered across her fur. Anything that doesn't have a pattern or schedule is irregular, like their regular hours of a store that's only open when the owner feels like it.

Irregular galaxy's

An irregular galaxy is a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy. Irregular galaxies may contain abundant amounts of gas and dust.


This Idea of an irregular galaxy could come in hand for my initial idea generation because If I focus on the word dimensions for my idea I could use this as teleport background or an in-between words experience then the player would teleport between two locations.  

Unusual Research- Not habitually or commonly occurring or done.

World's Most Unusual Plants and Trees

  • Quiver tree, Namibia

  • Rafflesia flower, Malaysia

  • Baobab tree, Madagascar

  • Welwitschia mirabilis, Namibia

  • Halfmens, South Africa

  • Vegetable sheep, New Zealand

  • Hydnora Africana, South Africa

Some of these plants could be used for my islands idea because I said in Idea generation that I want different islands with different habitats and plants and these usual plants could be used as inspiration for my own plants and tree on the island If I wanted to continue with the idea.


Unorthodox Research- Contrary to what is usual, traditional, or accepted; not orthodox.

The Greek roots of unorthodox are orthos, or "right," and doxa, or "opinion." So someone whose beliefs are orthodox has "the right opinion," while an unorthodox person does not. The definition has evolved so that unorthodox's meaning is closer to "unusual" or "innovative" than just plain "wrong."

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in the place that is now the country Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes.

further research on Relics in Ancient Egypt- The ancient Egyptians were very skilled as artists and the artifacts that they left behind covered many talents. They were excellent at painting, sculpting, working in metals, shaping gold, creating jewelry, building huge monuments and temples, as well as statues of their gods and goddesses and their pharaohs.

What is the oldest Egyptian artifact?

The bead is 1.8 centimeters long. In ancient Egypt, iron was a rare and symbolic metal, but scientists and historians have long wondered about the prehistoric civilization's knowledge of metallurgy. Now, one part of that mystery has been solved: The oldest-known iron artifacts were made from meteorites.

Amulets in Ancient Egypt 

An amulet, also known as a "good luck charm", is an object believed to confer protection upon its possessor. The word "amulet" comes from the Latin word amuletum, which Pliny's Natural History describes as "an object that protects a person from trouble". Anything can function as an amulet; items commonly so used include gems, statues, coins, drawings, plant parts, animal parts, and written words.


Amulets seemed very important to the Egyptians. Especially for there protection. So I could use this for my game concept to make a relic that does the same thing in my game it protects the player from danger and trouble then it's most needed but it could be found or crafted by the player by finding rare chests or crafting it from gems and coins that the player finds on his travels or by beating a rare creature. I could also make an Ancient Egypt concept where the player lives in the Ancient Egypt era where we learn the main character's fears and troubles. I will further think about the idea on my idea generation part of my website to further work on this idea and see if I could make it in time. 

The Ankh

The ankh is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in art to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself. Its use continued through the Coptic Egyptians who adapted it as the crux ansata, a variant form of the Christian cross.


A flail is an agricultural tool used for threshing, the process of separating grains from their husks.

Flails have generally fallen into disuse in many nations because of the availability of technologies such as combine harvesters that require much less manual labour. But in many places, such as Minnesota, wild rice can only be harvested legally using manual means, specifically through the use of a canoe and a flail that is made of smooth, round wood no more than 30 inches long.

Flail as weapons 

As with most agricultural tools, flails were often used as weapons by farmers who may have lacked better weapons. The flail is proposed as one of the origins of the two-piece baton known in the Okinawan kobudō weapon system as the nunchaku. The first recorded use of a flail as a weapon was at the siege of Damietta in 1218 during the 5th crusade, as depicted in the chronicle by Matthew Paris; tradition has it the man was the Frisian Hayo of Wolvega who bashed the standard bearer of the muslim defenders with it and captured the flag. Flails were also used as weapons by farmers under the leadership of Jan Žižka during the Hussite Wars in Bohemia.

Flail in Ancient Egypt 

In ancient Egypt, the flail was a symbol associated with the monarch, symbolizing his ability to provide for the people.


Board games were a favorite pastime in Egypt, and Senet was the most popular of these. It was played by two people, either on elaborate carved and inlayed boards like the one found in Tutankhamen’s tomb, or simply scratched into the earth. The oldest known representation of Senet is in a painting from the tomb of Hesy, from 2686 BC.

Some video's that explain the ancient Egypt history and mysteries 


Ancient Egypt Documentary's

Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4

Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4

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Ancient Egypt Documentary - Complete History - 8000 B.C. to 30 B.C. Part 1

Ancient Egypt Documentary - Complete History - 8000 B.C. to 30 B.C. Part 1

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Researching the word Dimensions

Meaning of the word: a measurable extent of a particular kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height Size change. Or an aspect or feature of a situation. Portals to different planets or places. 

Dimensions in Games- A games world is an artificial universe, an imaginary place in which the events of the game occur. When the player enters the magic circle and pretends to be somewhere else.

Game Mechanics- Dimensions on which video games can affect players: the amount. of play, the content of play, the game context, the structure of the. game, and the mechanics of game play.

Lego Dimensions
The game focuses on different stories of each character that can be bought in the game which unlocks the different dimensions (Realities) in the games universe which is set in the Lego world which is infinite. The game is a typical Lego game in terms of gameplay, but what makes it great is the ridiculousness of the plot/pop culture references. Right in the beginning of the storyline, players have to navigate around The Land of Oz with Batman, Gandalf, and WyldStyle trying to find Robin and Frodo.  The game makes sure every Lego character keeps in character, and it’s almost like watching a fun new Lego movie as they navigate areas that exist outside of their own fictional world.

Dimensions (Size Comparison) Like maps and characters in games

(Video game) MONSTERS Size COMPARISON 👹 3D Animation

(Video game) MONSTERS Size COMPARISON 👹 3D Animation

Play Video
Video Game Maps SIZE comparison (RDR2 Spiderman AC Odyssey ) 3D

Video Game Maps SIZE comparison (RDR2 Spiderman AC Odyssey ) 3D

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These map comparisons are based on games that already exist like GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2. It feels like the maps are getting bigger by every game that comes out. This could be because of engines getting stronger. Or us wanting more terrain to explore.

Dimensions in math


Moving diagonally upward and forward is just as the name of the direction implies; i.e., moving in a linear combination of up and forward. In its simplest form: a line describes one dimension, a plane describes two dimensions, and a cube describes three dimensions.

Research into Dimensions

The Dimensions of a Game World  

Link to the PDF - http://www.cas.mcmast

A large Explanation of a Game World that talks about different dimensions of a game world.

The Physical Dimension of a game world.

Video game worlds are almost always implemented as some sort of simulated physical space. The player moves his avatar in and around this space or manipulates other pieces or characters in it. The physical properties of this space determine a great deal about the gameplay. 

Spatial Dimensionality

how many spatial dimensions your physical space will have. It is essential to understand that the dimensionality of the game’s physical space is not the same as how the game displays that space (the camera model) or how it implements the space in the software. How to implement the space and how to display it are separate but related questions.


Scale refers to both the absolute size of the physical space represented, as measured in units meaningful in the game world (meters, miles, or light-years, for instance) and the relative sizes of objects in the game.


In board games, the edge of the board is the edge of the game world. Because computers don’t have infinite memories, the physical dimension of a computer game world must have an “edge” as well. However, computer games are usually more immersive than board games, and they often try to disguise or explain away the fact that the world is limited to help maintain the player’s immersion. In some cases, the boundaries of a game world arise naturally, and we don’t have to disguise or explain them. Sports games take place only in a stadium or an arena, and no one expects or wants them to include the larger world. In most driving games, the car is restricted to a track or a road, and this, too, is reasonable enough.

The Temporal Dimension

The temporal dimension of a game world defines the way that time is treated in that world and the ways in which it differs from time in the real world.

Variable Time

In games that do implement time as a significant element of the gameplay, time in the game world usually runs much faster than in reality. Time in games also jumps (as it does in books and movies), skipping periods when nothing interesting is happening. Most war games, for example, don’t bother to implement nighttime or require that soldiers get any rest. In reality, soldier fatigue is a critical consideration in warfare, but because sleeping soldiers don’t make exciting viewing and certainly aren’t very interactive, most games just skip sleep periods. Allowing soldiers to fight continuously without a pause permits the player to play continuously without a pause also.

The Environmental Dimension

The environmental dimension describes the world’s appearance and its atmosphere. The environmental characteristics of the game world form the basis for creating its art and audio. We’ll look at two particular properties: the cultural context of the world and the physical surroundings.

Physical Surroundings

The physical surroundings define what the game actually looks like. This is a part of game design in which it’s most helpful to be an artist or to work closely with one. In the early stages of design, you don’t need to make drawings of every single thing that can appear in the game world (although sooner or later someone will to have to do just that). For the time being, it’s important to create concept sketches: pencil or pen-and-ink drawings of key visual elements in the game. Depending on what your game is about, this can include buildings, vehicles, clothing, weaponry, furniture, decorations, works of art, jewelry, religious or magical items, logos or emblems, and on and on.

The Emotional Dimension

The emotional dimension of a game world defines not only the emotions of the people in the world but, more important, the emotions that you, as a designer, hope to arouse in the player. Multiplayer games evoke the widest variety of emotions, because the players are socializing with real people and making friends (and, alas, enemies) as they play. Single-player games have to influence players’ emotions with storytelling and gameplay. Action and strategy games are usually limited to a narrow emotional dimension, but other games that rely more heavily on story and characters can offer rich emotional content that deeply affects the player.

Researching Mythical beasts & Monsters

What mythical beasts & monsters mean.

A legendary, mythical, and mythological creature, also traditionally called a fabulous beast and fabulous creature, is a fictitious, imaginary, and supernatural animal, often a hybrid, sometimes part human, whose existence has not or cannot be proved and that is described in folklore or fiction

Classical era

A variety of mythical animals appear in the art and stories of the Classical era. For example, in the Odyssey, monstrous creatures include the Cyclops, Scylla and Charybdis for the hero Odysseus to confront. In other tales there appear the Medusa to be defeated by Perseus, the (human/bull) Minotaur to be destroyed by Theseus, and the Hydra to be killed by Heracles, while Aeneas battles with the harpies. These monsters thus have the basic function of emphasizing the greatness of the heroes involved.

Some classical era creatures, such as the (horse/human) centaur, chimaera, Triton and the flying horse, are found also in Indian art. Similarly, sphinxes appear as winged lions in Indian art and the Piasa Bird of North America.

In medieval art, animals, both real and mythical, played important roles. These included decorative forms as in medieval jewellery, sometimes with their limbs intricately interlaced. Animal forms were used to add humor or majesty to objects. In Christian art, animals carried symbolic meanings, where for example the lamb symbolized Christ, a dove indicated the Holy Spirit, and the classical griffin represented a guardian of the dead. Medieval bestiaries included animals regardless of biological reality; the basilisk represented the devil, while the manticore symbolised temptation.

10 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed!

10 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed!

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Top 10 Most Terrifying Mythical Creatures

Top 10 Most Terrifying Mythical Creatures

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There are gods, and there are monsters, but rarely are there gods that are also monsters. In Greek mythology, there is no god/monster as powerful, dangerous, and downright deadly as Typhon.

He is called Typho, Typhaon, Typheous, Typhos, and Typhon in Greek mythology, but regardless of which name is mentioned, it's not hard to figure out who is being talked about.  Most often described as the most horrifying and powerful monster in legend, no beast or demon was as feared by the gods as was Typhon in Greek mythology. 

He is described in many different ways, varying slightly from legend to legend, but aggregating the most popular descriptions gives us this image of the beast. He was a giant - so tall his head touched the stars.  He had the torso of a man, but each leg was an enormous viper coil that writhed and hissed as he moved.  He had a main head that hosted 100 snake heads that constantly screamed the sounds of various animals.  All that is described of his human-like head are glowing red eyes that drove fear into the hearts of all that looked upon them, and a "savage jaw" that breathed fire.  He had hundreds of wings all over his body, and instead of ten fingers his hands were made of 100 deadly serpents.

The Battle For Olympus

The most famous legend involving Typhon in Greek mythology was when the monster god decided that he was tired of being an outcast and was going to take over Mount Olympus, home of the gods.  Naturally, Zeus (Greek Mythology) was not exactly thrilled with this idea and decided to stay and battle Typhon.  With the exception of Athena, all of the other Greek gods and goddesses fled the scene, opting to change forms and hide from the monster rather than try to fight him.

Different versions of this legend have different details about exactly how the fight goes down, but all agree that it was long and drawn out.  In the end, Zeus flings Typhon back into Tartarus (Greek Mythology) and throws Mount Etna on top of him, forever trapping him under its weight.

Being the fire-breathing monster he is, Typhon is believed to constantly struggle to become free, causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions each time he moves.

Lernaean Hydra

The Lernaean Hydra was a monster in Greek mythology. It had many heads and every time someone would cut off one of them, two more heads would grow out of the stump. It was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, the father and mother of all monsters respectively.

The Lernaean Hydra or Hydra of Lerna, more often known simply as the Hydra, is a serpentine water monster in Greek and Roman mythology. Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid, which was also the site of the myth of the Danaïdes.

Who killed the Hydra and how it can be defeated

To defeat the Hydra, Hercules called on his nephew Iolaus for help. As soon asHercules cut off one head, Iolaus would cauterise the wound with a flaming torch so that nothing could grow to replace it. After removing the Hydra's immortal head,Hercules buried it under a large rock.

What is hydra's weakness

Upon reaching the swamp near Lake Lerna, where the Hydra dwelt, Heracles covered his mouth and nose with a cloth to protect himself from the poisonous fumes. ... The weakness of the Hydra was that it was invulnerable only if it retained at least one head.



An ogre is a legendary monster usually depicted as a large, hideous, man-like being that eats ordinary human beings, especially infants and children. Ogres frequently feature in mythology, folklore, and fiction throughout the world.

In mythology, ogres are often depicted as inhumanly large and tall and having a disproportionately large head, abundant hair, unusually colored skin, a voracious appetite, and a strong body. Ogres are closely linked with giants and with human cannibals in mythology.


Mood board for factory machines

I need to research factories of what is inside them and what machinery can be used in factories. I will need to do this to create my setting of the main scene. 

Factory machines.PNG

Researching names for my main character.

Venarius - Ven as in venom, and arius as in sicarius (Latin for assassin.)

History and Etymology for sicarius. Latin, assassin, murderer, from sica dagger; akin to Latin secare to cut.

Bullseye- as in a pirate that would normaly be a theif at the same time also it connects with story and the treasure in the temple.

A bullseye sometimes spelled bull's eye is the center of a target, such as those used in archery. Other targets, like those used in the game of darts or other types of shooting practice, also have hard-to-hit spots in their centers that are alsocalled bullseyes. The origin of the term bullseye is a bit uncertain.

Phoenix- A bird that is made out of fire which suggests that he is hotheaded or that he is very dangerous then it comes to weapons that involve fire also it's a bird that regenerates which means that my character is a thief but even if he get captured he will regenerates and be back in the game an will steal stuff again.

In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.

Serpent- Its like a snake and a snake sneaks around waiting for it prey so it would connect with my character who is a thief and he sneaks around.

The serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. The word is derived from Latin serpens, a crawling animal or snake. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind and represent dual expression of good and evil.

Wildcard- playing card that can have any value, suit, colour, or other property in a game at the discretion of the player holding it. this would suggest that he is unpredictable with the things he does as a thief and this would make him very dangerous in the story and outside of it.

an opportunity to enter a sports competition without having to take part in qualifying matches or be ranked at a particular level. This suggest that he can cheat his way through any competition that is around him 

If you refer to someone or something as a wild card in a particular situation, you mean that they cause uncertainty because you do not know how they will behave.

Researching Concept art

Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in films, video games, animation, comic books, or other media before it is put into the final product.

concept art is work that is done before it is made. Concept art is made to show the idea that the artist has before it gets put into the game/film. Also concept art is rough sketches of the ideas so its not final and can be changed at anytime if the artist thinks it does not look as he wanted he could change his idea and work with it without having to stress about it looking incorrect.  


Researching playing cards for my main character Wildcard

first invented in China during the Tang dynasty. Educated guesses have made links to the cards, suits, and icons of 12th century and even older cards in China, India, Korea, Persia, or Egypt, which may have been introduced to Europe by Arabs. Some scholars believe that playing cards were invented in China during the Tang dynasty around the 9th century AD.

French playing cards

French playing cards (jeu de cartes) are cards that use the Frenchsuits of trèfles (clovers or clubs ♣), carreaux (tiles or diamonds. ), cœurs (hearts ♥), and piques (pikes or spades ♠). Each suit contains three face cards; the valet (knave or jack), the dame (lady or queen), and the roi (king).


The World's Oldest Full Deck Of Playing Cards Was Almost Lost To History. The oldest full deck of playing cards known, circa 1470-1480. The Metropolitan Museum of Art In 1983, The Metropolitan Museum of Art bought a 52-card deck of South Netherlandish playing cards. laying Cards are believed to have originated in China and then spread to India and Persia. From Persia they are believed to have spread to Egypt during the era of Mamluk control, and from there into Europe through both the Italian and Iberian peninsulas during the second half of the 14th century.


As part of my feedback I got told to research portals in Season 2 Episode 11 - The Reverse-Flash Returns

Here is an example of the portal which is a time portal used in Flash

Full article about the Episode

I don't know the flash series so I don't know what this means but I got told to research it. If I will need to I will do more research but I don't think I will need more since I am not focusing on the portals them self anymore but it's still good to know more stuff connected to portals

Hoodie Research


A hoodie (also spelled hoody) is a sweatshirt or a jacket with a hood. Hoodies often include a muff sewn onto the lower front, and (usually) a drawstring to adjust the hood opening. The hoodie and the sweatshirt are collarless, over sized, and heavy. They are both used for athletic and casual wear and are made from similar materials. They are also soft and comfortable in addition to providing warmth and insulation.

Assassins creed meaning

The cape worn during the Carnevale in Assassin's Creed II bore an emblem similar to the Assassin insignia. The insignia bore some resemblance to the symbol of the Freemasons, the square and compasses. It also resembles the bottom side of an eagle skull.


Edward kenway

Every assassin has his own style of robes to match there era and setting. Like Edward Kenway is a pirate so his style is more blue and more rebel style.

Researching materials for hoodies

The best type of hoodie to wear in those situations is one made of fabrics that are nylon or nylon blends. For cooler climates or light warmth, buying a cotton and polyester blend works well. In addition, for these situations, traditional fleece is always a popular choice.


Fleece is one of the most popular hoodie materials for warmth and ease of care. Machine washable and dry-able, fleece hoodies are easy to care for and soft to the touch.


Cotton and Cotton Blends

Cotton or cotton blend fabrics such as cotton/polyester are popular in areas where it rains often or in areas that have a rainy season. Cotton hoodies repel water and can help the wearer stay dry much like a traditional windbreaker jacket.

Pouch Pocket Cotton Blends Zip Up Hoodie

Heavy Fleece and Wool Blends

In colder climates, heavy fleece and wool blend hoodies prove popular for their warmth giving properties, by helping to maintain body heat. Available also with a lining, they can protect against moderate snowfall and owners wear them in lieu of a light jacket.


Nylon and Nylon Blends

Nylon or nylon blend hoodies are a good choice to repel moisture and owners wear them when they are out in the elements or heavy rain.


Brushed Cotton

A brushed cotton hoodie is the high-end hoodie material when manufactured of American cotton. Shoppers often note that brushed cotton has the softest fabric texture.


Hoodies are also used to hide your identity which is something my character is connected to because he is a thief that does not want to be identified and arrested by the local police.  

I chose Cotton and Cotton Blends as my material for Wildcards clothes because I think that it fits him the best and most hoodies are made out of it which is what I want.

Researching shadows & Light

As an object moves further from a light source, the shadow becomes smaller, and as an object moves closer, the shadow becomes larger. The shortest shadows are formed at noon when the sun is highest in the sky.

maxresdefault (1).jpg

I am researching shadows because I will need to understand how they work to add them to Wildcards designs later on during the week.  

Researching shadows & Light Tutorial

This is based around shapes which is a good start but I will need something more in-depth because I am going to be shadowing my character and not a simple shape so I will try to find something more in-depth that will help me with that. 

This tutorial helped me to understand shadowing and the process used to achieve this because it was done in photoshop which I will be using and also it was based on a character so I will use some of these techniques that he used but also add some of my own because I will be working with colour.

My own work with masks and shadows


I used some shadowing in these masks that helped me to practice with shadowing which I will be using and I need to practice it to help me add it to my character later on the week.

Researching Light

What is light? Light could be a number of different things, depending on the circumstances. It could be the glow from a light bulb in your bedroom or the warm shining rays that beat down from the sun. Light can be natural or manmade, but no matter how it is created, we utilize light every single day. Throughout the past century, there have been a number of scientific developments revolving around light.

The Science of Colour and Light

To better explain how our eyes see colour, imagine a green apple. Why does the apple appear green? Light shines onto the apple, causing the apple to absorb every colour in the spectrum besides the colour green. The colour that the apple does not absorb is reflected back to our eyes, causing us to see green. Light is just a minor fraction of the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum. Within that small area lie all of the colours that we can see, called the visible spectrum.

All of the colours have different wavelengths that make them the colours that they appear. For example, red colour waves are very long in length, while blue colour waves are very short. Colours are also associated with temperature or the way that the colours are perceived. Jumping back to our previous example, red is perceived as a warm colour due to the psychological impact the colour red has on our brains. Typically, warm objects are red, like a heating stovetop or a red flame.

Light plays a major role in how our eyes perceive color. The source of the light determines how our eyes see the color. For instance, if we are viewing a red shirt outside in the sunlight and then take it inside to look at it under a lamp, it may appear a darker shade due to the change in the Color Rendering Index, or how light makes colours appear.



Light prism

These colours are often observed as light passes through a triangular prism. Upon passage through the prism, the white light is separated into its component colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. The separation of visible light into its different colours is known as dispersion.


3D rigging

In its simplest form, 3D rigging is the process of creating a skeleton for a 3D model so it can move. Most commonly, characters are rigged before they are animated because if a character model doesn't have a rig, they can't be deformed and moved around.

How 3D rigging works

Joints Sometimes called bones, you can think of joints for rigging in the same way you think of joints in a human body. They basically work in the same way. Joints are the points of articulation you create to control the model. For instance, if you were to rig a character's arm you would want to place a joint for the upper arm, another joint for the elbow and another joint for the wrist, which allows the animator to rotate the arm in a realistic way. 


Simple Explanation of T-pose

This is an explanation of what a T pose is and how it is used I found this on Reddit when I was researching   .

As far as I know (or think I know), character models generally are made in a T Pose for in modeling programs (sometimes with the legs moved apart a bit) because it gives the designer room to see what he is working with (ie he wouldn't have to move the arm around to see the underside).

Generally the only time you will ever encounter a T Pose model of a character in a game is usually when the model is not being animated (the different parts of the model having their position changed to give it a living look is what I mean by animated).

A lot of times in games like Garry's Mod or possibly Skyrim, you will see T Posed models due to community made content being improperly created (like third party mods from the steam workshop).

Action Poses

Straight Ahead Action and Pose-to-Pose Action. ... Pose-to-Pose Action is when the animator carefully plans out the animation, draws a sequence of poses, i.e., the initial, some in-between, and the final poses and then draws all the in-between frames (or another artist or the computer draws the in between frames) an action pose is a character doing a specific activity that involves movement or actions. 

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