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Feedback from peers and tutors


Feedback for Pawel From Dafydd

He has really taken his time and looked at every angle needed.
Everything is pretty much spot on, from his skill building all the way to his idea concept.
When he has done a drawing, he's giving the reason why it did or didn't work out.

His Planning document is on point for what he is wanting to do. showing the research into the skills he'll need and what his plan is.

Theme Research is great, going into great detail.

Idea generation is really good, but I'll also throw in the show Flash! on it there is a character who can create portals, might be something that might help in the long run.

The story is cool, really looking forward to seeing the final product will be.

His Reflections are second to none.

Pawel you are knocking it out of the park, I can't wait to see it when your finished Sir.


I will certainly have a look at Flash and report it on my website thanks for the feedback


Feedback for Pawel From Dafydd and Connor

Pawel your work is still coming across great, you are keeping up with your research and reflections.


What you’ve added since last time is really good, and your skill building is spot on.


Keep this up Pawel and you’ll have what you want by the end.


Thanks, I will for sure keep up with the reflections they are the most important part of this whole process 

I really like how you have presented things. For example when you talk about your research, not only do you have a lot to say, but the examples are really impressive and the viewer would know exactly what you're going for.


If I needed to give an improvement. Maybe separate some of the sentences. Because it may confuse some people having so many words right on top of each other.


I will work on that in the future but I want everything connected together that is way everything is together but thanks for the Feedback I will certainly look into it if I can.

Feedback from Martin (Week 3):

Excellent research & planning Pawel! you've got clear direction with your project theme (Dimensions) however I feel your intentions need clarifying further - if you're struggling to explain the concept art UE4 scene to me, and the external examiner will stand little chance of understanding - consider breaking this down further with examples of existing products that reflect your aims.


I will work on my presentation and Explanations for everything thanks for the Feedback


Feedback for Pawel From Dafydd 

The drawings are very well done, the shadows really give the character some depth.

The feedback you have put in is very well told, you let us know why you did certain things and why you feel it’s overall better, and you even added in a negative what you feel didn’t work very well with the hood colouring.

The only thing I noticed what a line that didn’t sound right. “Clipped to his back which just makes it easier form to me to make” Didn’t sound right. I recommend changing the wording


Thanks for the feedback and yes I will change the wording because after reading it again I realized that it did not sound how I wanted it to sound so I will change it.


Looking through your Wix site, you have meticulously documented your work and have shown decent research to support it. However, the final character design does not feel like you have exhausted all the design possibilities. Usually, for a character concept, the following is expected:

- Character design sketches (various iterations)

- Once you settle on the strongest design, finalise by showing the full character from the FRONT, SIDE, BACK (all in the 'A' or 'T' position)

- With the above complete, pose the character in a dynamic pose to communicate the typical action this character would perform.

- You could further explore facial expressions for the character to further strengthen your design idea.


What you have got at the moment is good but does not visualize character exploration and development, relative to the amount of time you have had.


Feedback for Pawel From tutor one on one

Overall the one on one went well with my tutor talking to me about everything I have done over the past months of this project and how much progress I have made since he last reviewed it in week three where he said that my intentions where not yet clear because I was still in my early stages of development and I did not want to focus just on one idea that I could develop further so my intentions where not clear yet but now after a lot of work he said that my intentions where now clear and well presented on my Wix site which was now full of ideas and designs. After all of that he went onto saying that my work could do some more with action poses which I did not think of before because for me it was always just a concept for a character and not a fully finished and polished character that could be pasted into a game because I never said I would do such a thing with putting the character into a game but I was willing to do the action poses to test my own skills and it turned out to be a total disaster that I hated to do but I tried and it documented on my site but I am unhappy with every result for the action poses except the one I did with a template that turned out to be a female version of Wildcard which I did not ever think of doing because I always focused on a male version of Wildcard but the Female could be an extra character for a co-op mission if the game ever got created. Overall my tutor was happy with the result of the website but just needed that little push with the action poses.


Feedback for Pawel From a classmate

Drawings are easily accessible and easily maneuverable

Plenty types of planning documentation and a clear interpretation of your own.

A lot of research on individual aspects

Very detailed existing products research

Lot of skill building research Good mix

Good variety of ideas for idea gen

Good plot to story but maybe SPAG check in places to make it fluent and understandable at times.

Detailed concept statement with clear explanation of what you want to achieve

Basic refined outcomes which means easier to hit. Good choice.

Audience research and peer feedback shows how you improved in certain places from this.

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