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Concept statement

Concept statement for my Final Major Project

Explanation of what I am going to make for my game concept in my last project the Final Major Project  


Link to the brief


The aim of this project is for me to show off my skills in everything I have learned during my first year in Game Design at college this will range from Photoshop skills to animating abilities that I gained across the whole year.


Firstly my project will be mostly focused around Concept art and character design.

The words that I had to choose between where Dimensions, Unconventional, Relic. Out of these three, I chose Dimensions because of the story that I made after doing a lot of research into the words and I liked the word Dimensions because it fit with my idea that I had during my idea generation time and the idea was the most solid one out of every one of them that I researched and made. 


For the remainder of this project, I will be working on my character Wildcard who is the main character in the story and he is also connected to the word Dimensions because of the Sword that he is carrying with him which contains the powers of light which allows Wildcard to teleport to different dimensions like the void which is used in the story.


What will be made by the end of the project

My characters concept art which will be a page filled with concepts for my character like his styles and hoods that I made. I will also add an animation that will swap the hoods every 5 to 10 seconds using a GIF in Photoshop and also the sword will upgrade colour if I have time in the end.  


A full character card will be made with every style for my character and also with small descriptions that talk about why I decided to make each piece the way I have and also explains the different parts of my character.  He will also have an animation that swaps the hoods between different ones I made.  

I have considered the brief while making my choice of the word and also what I want for my final piece. I did all of the research required in all of my five ideas that I generated with some even having drawings which would mean that I enjoyed the idea I also made individual pages for the five ideas where I go in in-depth about each one so this choice was not made lightly but overall I felt that dimensions and idea five where the best option for me as an individual I just found the idea very fun to make and also that I could do a lot of research around it to show how I got there this will also allow me to develop my skills in Photoshop and Illustrator.  

What has been made by the end of the project

My project is done and my character is finished. As I said before I would focus on character concept art which focuses entirely on my character Wildcard. I said that I wanted animation with my character if I had the time and I did so I added the animation to the hoods and the Rift swords which are held in the holder on his back. I added the descriptions to him which tell a small bit of the story and what happened to Wildcard after coming back from the void after the events of the story. I am happy with my result but after finishing him I started to generate new ideas for his clothes so they could animate as well. This would have been cool to do because now after looking at it I feel that it is a bit plain but it's done now and I can not change that but I am still happy of what I have done in the time given. This whole concept started from an image that I found on the internet of an assassin and also an interest of the Assassins Creed game which I played during the start of the project and I still do. The more time I spent in assassins creed the more Ideas I get for my character like the clothes in Assassins Creed Unity which change a lot between levels and co-op missions.

This was a large inspiration for me and my drawings and also the interest in fantasy and sci-fi which I did in the project previous to this one. I liked the idea of fantasy so I added it to my story by putting my character in a fantasy world called the void which is mostly populated by the light which is a human bases creature that lives the same lives as we do but in the void. The goddess was put in place to give order to the void but the beast has put a shadow over the hall of judgement which is an important shrine for the light.


Overall I am happy with my character and how he developed over the months but I feel that he could have been improved by adding an upgrade system to his clothes that would change with his ranks in the light legion.

Project Proposal

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