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Initial Game Concept for idea two

My second initial Idea  

I want to base my idea on the word (dimensions) which could involve Portals that teleport the main character to locations to get away from a monster that is chasing the main character the portal gun would be used to escape the monster. This would involve the player climbing walls, pipes, and platforms. So I would need to create concept art for each scene of the player running away from the monster. I would have to draw the character jumping onto the platform and using the portal gun that he found during his escape.

Lots of concept art for the character and the portal gun it would not be called portal gun but I have no idea what to call it, for now, it will be a portal gun.

I would have to draw the monster rushing the player across platforms destroying everything in front of it. The images could be connected together to make a full scene of the character running away from the monster.

I think that the idea is too close to portal which would make it not original but I want to try.

My Idea

It will still be based on the word (Dimensions) Which would still involve Portals and the main character running away from a fears beast that want the character dead. The player's mission is to escape the beast from an abandoned factory before the beast gets to close. The player will use a Rift sword that can rip through the air that creates a rift between two locations. Then not used the sword will be placed on his back.   

Mood boards based around the idea

Factory Ideas.JPG
Rift Sword.JPG
Metal walkway.PNG
Lava Monster.PNG

Concept art for the beast


I spent some time at home drawing these two characters which would be part of my concept for my game which would be the main character running away from the beast in an abandoned factory. The character on the left took much longer than the one on the right because of how much detail I wanted to add to my character. But the negatives in the image are that the hat is not rightly placed on his head.

The second one. I had some time left at the end of the session to draw this which was just an idea which I had in my head when I was writing my story with the dragon throwing fire at wildcard which would be the end fight. Overall I had no trouble withdrawing it except that I had some trouble with the time which was not on my side but that is how much I did in that time. 

An early sketch for the beast in Photoshop

Hand for the monster.JPG

I made this beast in Photoshop during break time and it turned out to be a disaster because I never got the time to finish it and the only thing I like about it is the hand on the right because It looks like a hand of a fearless beast that is made out of lava and it ready to destroy everything in its way but the rest of the drawing looks out of proportion and overall I don't like this Idea so I will move onto something different with another style that will capture the beast in its full glory. although I will keep the hand if I will ever need it for a different Idea or a  different beast. Overall I want to develop further into beasts and mythical creatures and learn some more about them before I do another drawing. This will be done next week.     

Sketch for the beast in Photoshop with an image

Beast Design Orge.JPG
Character design orge with background.JP

After doing some research into mythical beasts I decided to draw an ogre which would represent the beast in my game concept. The hammer would work as a weapon that would destroy platforms and other props on the map. The ogre itself was traced from an image that I found on the internet. I wanted to see if an ogre could fit into my universe of my game and I am still on sure on the concept but I will consider it. In my concept statement which will be done in week five or six where I will present my Idea and what needs to be done in the time that is left.  

Designing the factory setting in 3Ds Max and then importing it into Photoshop

Factory idea for a background.JPG

Firstly before even going into 3Ds Max, I decided to draw a small sketch of what the scene could look like to get a basic idea going that would get developed further in 3Ds Max.  

Designing the factory setting in 3Ds Max

Factory desgin 3.JPG
Factory desgin.JPG
Factory desgin with names.JPG

The factory took me about one hour to make which was something I could not change because I wanted it to look like the factory in my idea generation but the real one will be much darker and it will have flickering light to add effects to the whole scene. For now, I used light grey's to show off the detail but in the real one it will all disappear into darkness and the only shadow of the machines will remain seen in the shot. Overall I felt very limited by the basic shapes and the time that I had left to do this because I wanted to focus on research today but the idea just came when I was researching so I made it today. As for the shapes, I felt limited which certainly made my scene look worse than I imagined and my skills in 3Ds Max are very basic so I could not make any other complex machines in 3Ds Max but I think it's good enough for what I am making.   

Sketching the factory setting from 3Ds Max


Factory ideas

Factory ideas.PNG

After a lot of thinking I am going to be connecting this idea with idea five which focuses on the character himself and is changing the setting of the game which would now be set in the hall of judgment. This change was not easy but I want to focus on my character design more than the beast which I have ran out of ideas for and I really don't want to force myself into something I don't want so I will be using the story that I made for this idea and I will tweak it to match my character but it will still have stuff from this idea just from a different perspective because this idea is still valid but I just don't want to focus on the beast or the factory. I want to experience a different idea and see where it leads me. I still have a lot of time for changes so this was never final just an idea that I developed.

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