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Planning document

Skills needed for my initial idea

mood board, mind maps, tutorials, small sketches, diagrams with directions, Internet, 

I would need to learn some new skills in Illustrator and Photoshop to capture the atmosphere of my word that I chose during research.

I would need to produce mood boards that represent something similar to what I want to do or an Idea that I could use in my final piece. I would also need to do some testing with textures and colours to see which ones suit the scene the most so like a mock-up of my scene that I could put texture on and do some testing before the final idea is done.


I would also need to develop my skills in Photoshop to sketch the scene out with the character doing movement actions and directions with the monster breaking thing in the background If I want to continue with this idea which is possible but not certain I want to explore different themes and scenario's with different concept art.


I could learn these skills by watching tutorials on YouTube or asking my tutor to show me how to do it if I don't understand it from the tutorials I watched.

I also want to spend a lot of time practicing my skills with concept art Ideas.

This would require me to make a least one character and an enemy if needed. Then I would need to make the setting of the scene so like a village in Egypt if I wanted to continue with the ancient Egyptian theme for my final piece. And lastly, I would need to draw props that would be needed so like a sword or a spear for the ancient Greece theme. Or fruit for the island Idea.

Firstly I want to do all of the research for a base idea that I will develop in the first place then do all of the planning on how it will be done as in time and duration. Then I will move onto the character development which will take a lot of time because I need to make the character himself and then draw other versions of the character showing movement like jumping or crouching. Then after the character is done I would make the setting which will take about a day or two to complete because I need to make the scene and then the background for it. And lastly, some props that will not take long to do so most of my work will be spent on the character and the scene itself. I will probably use Photoshop to capture this but I am still not sure of it yet. Still, I need to do some research to back up my idea and the theory behind it. 

Skills needed for my final idea

I would need to create mood boards that help me to understand character concept art because character concept art is different from any concept art that I have done or tried doing before. This will be something that will get me out of my comfort zone which I wanted  but also because I think that it will help me get better at Photoshop and any other programs that are connected to concept art. This project will be mostly focused around character art and concept art which is the main area that I chose before the start of the project because I did do everything else and not concept art so I chose it to challenge myself. I will need many skills like Photoshop skills which involve many skills connected to the brush tool and any other tools that concept artists use in the industry. 

Calendar with key deadlines marked


Timeline with markers


Gantt Charts

5bc605b3d66bf67f94ad6dc5_Change taskbar

Action Planning


My turn to plan my project with the examples given above

Initial Checklist


Improved Checklist


I will use a checklist for a wage idea of how my project will go along the weeks so every Monday morning I will make a weekly checklist that I will use all week to complete everything. So most sketches will be done on a Monday and Tuesday because of the room that has the monitors that I can draw on and most of the research/Other things will be done on a Wednesday and Thursday. Some sketches can be done at home to collect my ideas together and make the final thing in the end.  

I used a website called meistertask to make my project planning document    

Final project plan.JPG

I used meistertask to make a small project plan that will help me to understand how much I still need to do in my final major project. This website was recommended by a website I used to see what kinds of methods can be used to collect planning data. This might not be the best website to use to plan my project out but it can be used to see which section still needs to be done. The problem I have with the website is that it has not dates that can help me to track which tasks are overdue so I will still use my weekly checklist to follow my dates set and keep everything on track.  


My checklist: 

The final checklist that I made in google docs

Chechlist 1.JPG
checklist 2.JPG
checklist 3.JPG
Checklist 4.JPG
Checklist 5.JPG

The checklist is almost done I just need to update it every week to see what needs to be done. I feel that the checklist is working because It helped me to plan out my week to fit everything in which is something I had trouble with and I said so in the last reflection of project 3 were I said that I have problems with time management and now in my major project I have delivered on my problem and did the checklist properly to plan out my entire project and to keep track of everything that has been done or needs to be done. The checklist will never be final because I will probably add stuff as I go along because I will still be discovering new stuff that I want to implement into my project.  

Easter checklist

I have finished everything I said I would on the checklist over the Easter Break. This allows me to work further with my project without having to catch up on work that needed doing so now I am further than I anticipated before the break this is good because now I can work on my character for the next to perfect him and finish him before the deadline.  

Initial Checklist

Final Checklist

This is the finished checklist that I created at the start of the project. Then uploading this I was in week seven so somethings might change when I upload it again on week nine.

The overall checklist is now done with everything I have done other the coarse of the project.


Meistertask finished.JPG

The other method for my planning documentation was using meistertask which was another thing that kept me up to date with my tasks and progress. I found it as useful as my checklist because this was not based on weeks this was based on progress which was sometimes slow and it told me what was important and what I could do later on because the other thing are now more important an the normal tasks like research because I did research all project so I could not place it into a week it had to be done every week to keep up with my ideas and my progression.

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