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Primary Research

In this part of my website, I will be posting any images that I use that I took by myself like references to hoodies to characters.

Some of the images that can be seen in the gallery might be unclear and this is because of my phone which is not the best for taking pictures but I tried my hardest to get them to be clear but some still might be unclear. I am sorry about this but this is all I had at the moment of taking these pictures.


As for the images themselves, they are all of the hoodies that I own and these are for inspiration for my final character concept which I needed hoodie ideas for and these are the images that I took to do so.


Starting from the top is my hoodie which is handing and it represents a one-sided hoodie idea if I wanted to draw a side of a hoodie. Then there is an image of me with my hoodie for a reference which I need for body and how a hoodie would look on a person. Moving on there's an image of my arm which I need when working on the arm of my character and how a hoodie might bend. After that, there are images of many of my hoodies which I wanted to reference in my idea. 

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