Sub Theme Selection & Justification
Physical & Hidden Disabilities
I chose Physical & Hidden Disabilities because I think that It matches my feelings I think that people with physical disabilities are very strong because even when life does not go in their way they still don't give up and they fight with there disability to make the most of their life so I want spread awareness of physical and hidden Disabilities to show that people with disabilities are strong.
My Idea for my game is to show that even when someone is disabled it will not stop them from playing their favorite game the game that I will be making will show a man with prosthetic limbs jumping over obstacles that block him from playing his favorite game. this is suppose to show that people with disabilities have lots of obstacles in their way to achieve what they like doing.
This game is not going to have features that make it accessible for disabled people but it will be to inform others of the pains of people with physical disabilities I want this to show how disabled people feel about being disabled with a bit of humor so the game is more enjoyably because it will get more audience if its more enjoyable with a message behind it than if it only had the hidden message behind it. It would be boring and the message would not get across as in a game that is fun to play and learn about physical disabilities.
Accessible gaming features generally tend to serve one of five types of disabilities:
Hearing: Hard-of-hearing, deafness.
Mobility: Wrist, arm, leg, and hand impairments.
Speech: Speech impairments, language differences.
Vision: Blindness, inability to distinguish colors, blurred Vision, etc.
Cognitive: Learning impairments and reasoning challenges, including dyslexia.
Games that can be played by people with a physical disability can be categorized as:
1) games not specifically designed to be accessible (mainstream video games).
2) games specifically designed to be accessible (one switch games).