
First Try with solids and Effects in After Effects
Final Animation with solids and effects For Celebrating difference
Small reflection
This animation is based on Celebrating difference with all the topics underlined with effects like break apart that is the effect at the start of the animation then the brick wall breaks apart then there is the different topics fading in and fading out.
Practice with after effects
Small reflection
This animation was made in my spare time with some details that I have learned in lesson. I started making it in lesson and then I finished it at home. It is a seal racing the submarine but in the process the seal find a small star in the water and looks at it while the submarine finishes the race. There is an oil rig in the background that is symbolizing waste and that animals like seals could get killed by the pollution they make.
Animation with Parenting, Shapes, Masks, Pivot Points, Easy ease and Typography
Today we had to make an animation based on the things we have learned across all of the lessons that we had in after Effects. I found After Effect easier now after some teaching of how to create effects. I don't really like this animation as much because of how simple it came out but it was just a practice animation.
35 second animatic for my sub theme I chose which is physical disabilities
Idea 1
Idea 2
Idea 3
Today I spent most of my time in Photoshop making images for my animatic. I had to think of three ideas with images and then put them into After Effects using the skills I have learned. Overall I still don't feel confident in Photoshop but in After Effects I feel better.
I had some more time with After Effects which really helps to remember stuff. My Photoshop images don't look good so I need to practice some more. I think that After Effects went well today. My work could be improved by making better quality images. I need to complete all three animatics for next session to complete the task I was given in lesson.
Final Idea
Today I spent most of my time in Photoshop again this time to make my images for my final idea. This was a long and hard process to make the mountain and the forest to actually look how I wanted it to look. But in the end it looks good and how I wanted. The animation is still not finished because I need more time to add some animation like the man climbing up the mountain and the river moving This will be added in the next video that will be released then I am done with the animation for now It is just still images moving across the screen for 35 seconds
Some art for the animation

Self Study Work Practice
for my last lesson of animation I did some self study to make a small animation using different effects and scales to create a simple circle with text inside of it.
I have learned some new ways of creating animation like the circle getting drawn as the animation goes . Also I have learned a new effect called (Radio Waves) Which create waves as the animations passes through.
I think that the animation it self went well but the font does not feel right for the animation so next time I need to find a better font to match the animation type. I think that I need to improve on finding better fonts and making the animation shorter but with better content.